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Nelson, Heather

Heather Nelson (MA, Westminster Theological Seminary) is a biblical counselor at Mountain View Christian Counseling in Greenville, South Carolina, and the author of Unashamed.

Smith, Justin

Justin Smith (MDiv, Calvary Baptist Theological Seminary, DMin, Westminster Theological Seminary, Certificates from Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation) and his wife have worked overseas for over twenty years. He helped to found an international church and is involved in training future ministry leaders. Together, he and his wife enjoy mentoring others in international work. Justin is the author of Together for Good: A Couple’s Guide to Thriving in Christian Ministry.

Adams, James E.

James E. Adams (DMin, Westminster Seminary California) has been the pastor of Cornerstone Church in Mesa, Arizona, for more than thirty-five years and has taught theology for Reformed Baptist Seminary and in Latin America.

Adams, Jay E.

Jay E. Adams (1929–2020), a pioneer in biblical counseling, served as a pastor, church planter, denominational executive, seminary professor, author, and lecturer. He taught homiletics at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia and was the director of advanced studies at Westminster Seminary in California. He was the founder of the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF), the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (formerly NANC), and the Institute for Nouthetic Studies (INS). Adams was the author of over one hundred books, including the best-selling Competent to Counsel, a book that launched the modern biblical counseling movement. He was a recipient of The Order of the Palmetto, the highest civilian honor awarded by the State of South Carolina.

Agan, C.D. "Jimmy", III

C. D. “Jimmy” Agan (MDiv, Covenant Theological Seminary; PhD, University of Aberdeen) is Senior Pastor of Intown Community Church in Atlanta. Previously he was Associate Professor of New Testament and Director of the Homiletics Program at Covenant Theological Seminary.

Alcott, Louisa May

Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) was born in Germantown, Pennsylvania, and grew up in the Boston-Concord area of Massachusetts. She received most of her early education from her father, Bronson Alcott, a renowned educator and writer, as well as from Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau, who were family friends. In 1868 she became editor of the children’s magazine Merry’s Museum and published the first volume of Little Women, a novel about four young sisters growing up in a small New England town during the Civil War. Little Women was one of the first American novels to become a classic in children’s literature. It remains one of the best-loved books for girls.